Providing Personal Passenger Transportation and More...

Providing reliable, honest, and accountable transportation services to Columbia and the surrounding area.
We strive to provide personal, reliable, honest, and accountable service in Columbia, Tennessee and the surrounding area.
Our Services
On Demand Transportation
Delivery (Your Emissary)
Prescheduled Transportation
Customers can request immediate service by calling us at 931-381-5188. Please note that all service depends on availability. It is recommended that you schedule ahead.
We transport people at all times of night and day. Restrictions are based on availability, so be sure to call as soon as you know you need service.
We can also pickup packages from area stores. It is recommended that items be prepaid to save time and money.
Muletown Trolley 931-379-2907
Other Transportation Providers
Lawrence County SCATS 931-766-7867
Maury County SCATS 931-388-9595
Lincoln County SCATS 931-433-7271
Giles County SCATS 931-363-6610
Perry County SCATS 931-589-5111
Wayne County SCATS 931-722-3514
Lewis County SCATS 931-796-5558
(The following counties have routes that intersect with Columbia)
Greyhound 800-231-2222
Tornado 615-313-8843
Columbia Cab 931-446-9188
Contact Us
For inquiries or bookings, please contact us using the information below.
(931) 381-5188